Shah Cypha is originally an artist out of Brooklyn, New York who eventually moved around to live in different states like Delaware and Florida. He grew up in an era of hip hop where music was just becoming the multi-billion-dollar business it is today. Experiencing different changes in his life nothing was clearer then taking a risk to pursue music as a career.

Overtime he started understanding not everything you want out of this business is given to you and if you want to accomplish a goal, you had to get it. Coming from a family of go getters and hard workers, grynding was nothing new to his DNA. What he lacked was knowledge and the network to expand. Never shying away from his music ability, he teamed up with TampaMystic who at the time also had a passion for the music business but not as an artist but a taste maker, personality, and more importantly a businessperson with a determination to be respected and taken seriously.

As an artist Shah Cypha understands what it truly takes for other artists to achieve success and with that knowledge, he hopes to give people information to not make the same mistakes he did. The most important thing you can do for yourself in any goal you set is to never give up.

Understand the no’s that led to your yes. Understand the failures that led to becoming a professional and most importantly understand your struggles that finally led to your success