PePe Le Pew is a stand out record from B.Narley’s new album “G Wall 2 Zone 6”
B.Narley (@LackVanDam & @RioQuapo) currently are serving an 18 year prison sentence. new developments on the case is still pending and may contribute to an early release date.
Full of connections & resources B.Narley continues to do the impossible in pursuit of being a house hold name synonyms to music.
This universal record fuses influences from all over the world. The French language of love, foreign cars and women & Atlanta bouncy trap drums, courtesy of Super Producer SlayerTracks. Check It Out Now & Please Support. #FREEBNARLEY
Available for purchase on iTunes https://itun.es/us/uqQ2hb
Follow on social media
IG: @LackVanDam @RioQuapo @SlayerTracks
Twitter: @LackVanDam @NarleyNationCEO @SlayerTracks
Booking email: NarleyNation2mil@gmail.com info@slayinrecords.com